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tv   Fox 5 News at 5  FOX  February 12, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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shootout. the saga involve a rogue former cop turned murder suspect in the sixth day. newly released court document his many thinking he fled to mexico, but dozens of officers were searching the big bear area since the pickup truck was found there last thursday and, as many of you know, dorner is known for killing a couple and another officer for revenge. breaking news out of big bear, california, police are involved in a shootout this afternoon with who we believe to be is chris dorner after an attempted robbery. two officers are injured and we'll monitor the situation as soon as we get them. shawn? >> and thank you. the college park community -- community is morning tonight. a grad student opened fire on his roommates, killing one wounding the other. he then took his own life. investigators identified him as 23-year-old devon green, an engineering student and said he
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suffered from a mental illness for at least a year. bob barnard is live in college park with more on this one. bob. >> reporter: this is the house where it happened. we're a short walking distance from the university of maryland campus, a murder/suicide this morning involving three of five students who lived here. >> reporter: prince georges county police say the suspect set four fires overnight before launching his murderous ramp age. this is a photo from inside and fly other small fires were set out back. >> and one of the roommates woke up to the flames and alerted another. they went downstairs to find out what was happening and to talk to the suspect. >> reporter: gile parker of prince georges county police say all three then went outside. >> as they did, one of the students noticed the suspect
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reaching into his wasteband for a gun. that student began to run away from the home. as he did, he heard gunshots and quickly realized he had been hit. >> reporter: the 22-year-old student is expected to survive. the murder victim identified as 22-year-old undergrad steven alex rain of silver spring. the suspect, devon green, was a 23-year-old engineering grad student, an intern at nearby nasa goddard, a graduate of morgan state university in baltimore. >> when i met him, he was a nice guy, you know, very well- spoken and a january win, nice guy. >> reporter: family told investigators green was suffering from a mental illness for a year and was predescribed medication to treat it. >> and my thoughts are this is a great tragedy for the university of maryland entire community, and our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and loved ones. >> reporter: police say they
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have recovered the apparent murder weapon, a legally per chased .9-millimeter handgun. a bag with a machete, fully loaded semi automatic weapon was found near green. chip cobb said he hid inside his home next door after calling 9 heaven . >> mostly, am -- 911. >> mostly i responded to the first responders and they were here almost immediately. >> reporter: the other suv had the rear window blown out. a first-floor window also struck by a bullet. >> the kitchen window had a shot to it and if she was standing there, she would be gone. >> reporter: the university officials say they will be holding a memorial service and vigil tonight. two police officers are going to jail after pleading guilty to assault charges. they're accused of kidnapping
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two teenagers in an effort to teach them a lesson. paul wagner is live with more from la plata. paul. >> reporter: this is a plea, shawn, and the sentenceing that went on all day here in plaplata. christopher perry and michael row will be going to jail for a year. they were sentenced to 10 years and all but the one year suspended and they will be on five years' probation. the judge said as she was handing down the sentence that this is going to be a difficult sentenceing, and she said we can't afford to have the law- abiding public fear the police, and you're going to pay for it dearly. she said i have to send a message because i believe that this is vigilantism and i'm going to go above the guidelines because you have lit -- violated the public's trust. earlier in the day, the state's attorney said to the judge that the police officers were basically bullies and what they did was, quote, thuggery.
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he asked a judge to send a message. the defense called the acts appropriate under the circumstances and saying a neighbor claimed three people were disrupting his party, punched holts in his wall and stole alcohol and one may have had a gun in a backpack. the officers denied striking either of the teens and the state said there is no evidence that alcohol was stolen from the party and no oneel to the sheriff's office about a gun. when questioned by investigators, christopher perry, one of the officers sentenced here today, denied he had been -- and denied he detained the teens. the two teens were detained in handcuffs by the offduty officers last memorial day weekend and driven around in a mark prince georgeed county cruiser. one slipped out of the handcuffs and got away. the other said he was beaten by one of the officers before being forced out of the car in a remote part of the county and
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abandoned. and after the sentenceing, we spoke briefly with one of the toon's fathers, billy andierson. >> that is a -- billy anderson. >> that is a good thing, they could be taken off of the streets. the streets will be aer -- safer now. >> nobody's above the law in charles county, anyway. someone commit a crime, which this was, they were not acting as police, as evidence by the fact that they stranded a kid in the middle of nowhere, they need to pay the price. the judge, i think, fashioned the appropriate sentence. >> reporter: the officers were offduty at the time of the incident and used a marked car to didtain the men. the judge didn't immediately take them into custody. they will have to turn this wills into the county jail march 8 errorth, shawn. back to you. >> thank you. and a crane crew working around the roof of a church hurt when the crane collapsed against the steeple.
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at the time of the collapse, the building and grounds were filled with nearly 70 preschool students. fox 5s john henrehan is 92 the newsroom with more details. john. >> reporter: currently, fairfax county officials say saint like's episcopal church can not be acpied by anyone. it was filled with children and staff members today when a crane fell over under the church's steeple nowadays, many steep wills continue hid -- contain hidden arrays of cell phonan 10as. they pumped them out of than 10as in the steeple at saint like's episcopal church in the fort hunt second of fairfax county. a two-man crew from the bmn tower company was hoisted to the steepel to examine it when the truck on which the crane is based tipped over. jim perkins was operating the train from the truck. >> and i felt the crane move.
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it felt like the rear out rigger was compressing. >> it's the rear left leg that is supposed to stabilize the truck. perkins felt the truck tipping over toward him. >> i got the guys as close to the roof as i could until i had to bail. >> reporter: the bucket carrying the two other workers swung wildly in the air. preschoolteacher meredith preston watched from the playgroup o the north side of the church. >> and i happened to look there and saw the bucket swing. it seemed, slammed into the steepel and then went out of my sight. >> reporter: the bucket carrying the workers apparently landed hard on the church's roofs, four-year-old fiona rossello was on the playground when the crane came down. >> it was loud. >> reporter: there were a total of 69 preschool students inside and outside the church building. all were ultimately evacuated
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to a parking lot and none was injured. the county officials were concerned the hard knock may have pushed the church's steeple off-kilter. officials are asking the church to hire a certified engine ear to inspect the steeple and the roof for possible damage. that may take a day or two until -- the county inspector said saint luke's can't be repoke-- preoccupied. as of now, the crane is lying across the roof of the church. >> and that is some dramatic video, john. thank goodness for the kids. >>. and back to the breaking news at the top of the hour. the intense manhunt for the former los angeles police officer accused of going on a killing spree continues right now. there are reports that christopher dorner may have gotten into a shootout with police. joining us live is the owner of the grizzly manor cafe in big bear, california, where they believe chris dorner, the suspect may have been hold up. and thank you for joining us.
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we appreciate you taking this time to talk to us. tell us exactly how your business is involved in this? police were involved earlier? >> reporter: we're a small -- judge we're a small numbers big bear lake. thursday, this started up when he left his truck up here in big bear, started on fire and nobody knew where he was. there has been a couple hundred police officers up here searching the woods and the rental cabins that are empty, looking for him. >> mr. nordeen. >> apparently at 1:15, somebody contacted the police and said he tied them up and stole their truck, and they untied themselves and actually contacted the police and they're after him. from what i heard on the scanner, maybe he shot a couple more police officers. >> mr. nordeen, let he break in. we have reports of the -- let
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me break in for a second. from your perspective and being a business owner, we know police were doing door-to-door searches looking for this gentlemen. tell us what other folks, other people who live in had area, how they're reacting and how you think, if this is christopher dorner, he was able to hide up there? >> well issue i don't believe that he is hiding in big bear. where he left his trucks up in the woods, why where he's at, it's down the hill about 10 miles on another mountain and people here have been frightened, everyone's got their guns loaded. it's a million dollars reward and there is probably a lot of people trying to claim the million bucks. >> you guys there in big bear don't believe this is him? are you saying the house where he was believed to be is not actually in big bear? >> and that house is hot it in big bear.
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it's about 15 miles down highway 38 and in a place called seven oaks. >> what sort of police activity you have seen or heard? >> it's 115time. i have seen at least 115 tomb. i have seen at least 25 law enforcement vehicles going by my restaurant at excessive speeds. y that all going down there. >> we hope this ends without anyone else being hurt. mr. james nordean, the owner of the grizzly bear cafe there. thank you for talking to us this evening. >> thank you, i hope everyone in d.c. comes to big bear lake. the guy's gone and we're a great resort town. >> all right, thank you. we appreciate it. >> putting the silver lining on it as best we could and we will continue to stay on top of it. and gun violence is expected to be a topic at tonight's state-of-the-union address. find out who plans to bring attention to a local woman who lost her daughter in one of the
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deadliest shootings in  
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. taking you back to the breaking news at top of the hour out of california tonight. big bear lake. we're told that federal officers engaged in a shoot outwith a man who believe ised to -- a shootout with a man who is believed to be in a shootout with a police officer and two others after he was fired from
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the l.a.p.d. the shooting, we're told, happened after the suspect -- we understand that two officers may have been shot today. a shootout with police happened after the suspect tried to burglarize the home tieinup the couple and taking their car. as officers responded to the house and tried to chase the suspect who is believed to be christopher dorner, we're told that he opened fire. we're not sure on their conditions. it's believed that christopher dorner is barricaded in a cabin and that officers have the cabin surrounded. we're learning that schoolie in this -- school's in this area are on lockdown as the manhunt unfolds. we're staying on top of the situation here near big bear in california. we'll bring you the latest details as they're made available to us. a busy news night tonight. president obama will deliver the state of the union address state with a hotly contested election behind him and some
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rough battles ahead, it will be time for him to -- for four years. tom fitzgerald has more. >> reporter: the major players here are going to remain the same with come the president takes the podium, he will look out on the president of the united states which, is controlled by republicans who have blocked his move for the last several years. he will also see a united states senate, which democrats control and both sides agree that the united states is the itself is mired in a recovery that is taking far too long and has left far too many people without work. the white house has been working on this speech for several weeks now and even the last 24 hours, the world encroached on what the president will talk about and late today, word came that he will sharply admonish north korea and the president will talk about international sanctions in north korea's role in what was supposed to be negotiations through a party of
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six and to prevent such nuclear testing. the hallmark of the speech, though, will be the president's plans for a job. the president will talk about the sequestration and respects to the afghanistan situation with the troops and he will call for 34,000 american troops to come back to the united states, nearly having the number of total troops in the country right now. on the sequestration front, we talked to john delaney, a freshman in this body tonight experiencing his first state of the union address and republican virginia congressman rob whitman in terms of what to do to prevent sequestration. >> the members here need to remember what it takes to defend the nation and by any measure, we know it's going to be catastrophic. members need to keep that in mind. i know that back home, people
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are deeply concerned about this. those working in the government for the defense sector and they're going to be adversely affected by this, a 20% reduction in pay and the military families affected by the harry s. truman staying in port. we have to keep in mind the affect on the civilian dod employees and military families. >> 99% of the american people understand that they're both right and wrong. the forcing function needs to be the american people stepping forward saying we need a different path and approach to deal with our problems and this is not a short-term issue. this is a long-term issue. >> the white house said it wants to end tax loopholes and increase revenues. republicans have been stalking saying they want deeper cuts and entitlements to avoid this sequestration. it's estimated that 445,000 jobs in our area could be affected if this sequestration
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goes through march 1st. the president takes the podium at 9:00 p.m., we'll be here. >> thank you. i know you will have a full wrap on that after the speech. breaking new, a bitterly divided senate panel voted to approve chuck hailel -- chuck hagel's nomination to be secretary of defense. more on that one coming up later tonight. stronger gun regulation is said to be among the topics in the president's state of the union address address. and a handful of victims are invited to attend. this week in d.c., a larger group of more than 120 survivors of gun violence are urging lawmakers to get tough on goodbye control. that group includes a man who survived a mass shooting inside a colorado movie theatre last july during a midnight screening of the dark knight rises. 12 people died, 58 others hurt. steven barton was hit with 28 shotgunbleets in his face, neck, chest, and arms during the attack. steven, good to you have here.
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>> thanks for having me. >> you're an advisor for mayors against illegal guns. quickly, tell us about that organization to stars us off here. >> reporter: it's a bipartisan coalition of more than 850 mayors across the country representing 60 million americans. the organization advocates for commonsense gun reform that is supported by the american public. >> you're lobbying congress for legislation, including getting assault weapons with high- capacity magazines off of the streets. critics of in thaidea say the bad guys -- that idea say the bad guys can and will get the fun. what do you say? >> that is an issue close to my heart, obviously. the shooter in aurora used an ar-15 with a hundred-round magazine. i have seen firsthand the devastation they can reach, the weapons, and they're going to get themselves on perhaps a handgun, a less deadly weapon.
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the question here is how easily assault weapons allow dangerous people to kill and how quickly they allow them to kill. >> survivors often tell me you never forget the moment it happens. it's always with you. what are some of the memories with that event that make you a stronger advocate for change now? >> i saw some things that i never wish on anyoneel. just death, destruction, and chaos and i was lucky but 12 people weren't, and that could just as easily have been me and that thought really motivates the work that i'm doing. i don't accept that we can't do anything when it comes to the gun laws to keep guns in the hands of dangerous people. it's untrue and so i believe that we can do a better job of controlling the guns and insuring that only law-abiding citizens can access them. >> and no doubt, you're trying
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to do something. steven barton, the survivor of gun violence now, working with mayors against illegal guns. thank you for sharing your stories with us. >> thank you for having me. >> you get. and cracking down on smoking in certain areas. where it's illegal to light up now. >> the governor of virginia's transportation plan hits a roadblock in the state legislature. we'll have the details for you. 
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. council members inmont groomero county have unanimously passed a bill to ban smoke on county-owned or leased property. it's to include bus stops and shelters. but county-owned gulf courses can allow smoke. the director of health and human services has the right to designate the outdoor smoking areas on other county properties. maryland governor o'malley will work with the senate and the house of delegates to find common ground on a transportation revenue deal. the governor wants to raise the sales tax to pay for
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transportation improvement. miller suggested letting the counties raise the gas tax or selling or leasing the intercounty connector. >> a virginia senate committee rewrote the transportation funding reform bill. the proposal would restore and raise the gas tax, give local jurisdictions the authority to pass up to 1%. the governor's version of the bill would have eliminated the gas tax and replaced it with a sales tax increase. the measure now heads to the senate floor for a vote. a woman who lost her daughter in one of the worst shootings in d.c. history will attend the state of the union address tonight. as we continue on the 5, why a local congresswoman said it's so important for her to be there. >> and find out who first lady michelle obama will have by her side during tonight's state of the union address speech. ♪
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♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you.
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it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, we want to take you back to
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the breaking news now. these are live pictures. earlier this afternoon, the federal officers got into a shootout with the man believed to be the former l.a. police officer wanted for murder. we're told the shooting happened after a man tried to break into a home where he tied up a couple inside and stole their car. as officers responded to the home, they chased the suspect and say he opened fire. we understand two officers were hurt and they were air lifted to the hospital right now. they believe the man is christopher dorner. they believe he's barricaded inside a cabin. we're told that officers have that cabin surrounded and we are told that schools in that area are on lock don. we'll stay on top of the situation in california and bring you the latest updates as we get them in here. first lady michelle obama invited parents of a young woman gunned down in chicago, and a grieving mother who also lost her daughter in one of the worst shootings in d.c.
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history. fox 5s matt ackland is live with a closer look. matt? >> reporter: you will remember it as the south capital street shooting in 2010. five young people were gunned down, many others wounded by gun fire that night. tonight, congresswoman eleanor holmes norton was bringing the mother of one of the victims. gathering will be those lives forever changeed by gun violence. one of the faces you will see is the mother of a teenager gunned down just a few miles away from the capitol dome? >> the massacre, and that is what it was in southeast. >> they invited jeffreys to sit with her. jeffries' daughter was killed with four others in a drive by shooting fueled by the theft of the bracelet in 2010. since that time, jeffries dedicated her life to preventing additional gun
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violence. >> it's very needed, very important. and i just feel like it's it part of the legacy of my daughter. >> reporter: also in the audience, the former congresswoman gabby giffords, who is still recovering after being shot in arizona. and at the site of the first lady will be the parents of hide append willton. she was shot and killed in chicago not long after participating in the inaugural parade in d.c. >> bringing a victim, the family of a victim of gun violence in d.c. is doing for d.c. exactly what the first lady is doing when she brings what has become a victim symbolic for the entire country. >> reporter: and, by the way, one person who won't be at the state of the union is the mayor of the nation's capitol, mayor gray's office said that he's not going because he was not invited, will. >> okay. matt ackland, thank you. >> uh. several other guests will
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be seated with the first lady, including some from the area. jack is a teenager from anne arundel county, maryland, who developed a new way to detect pancreatic cancer. tracy hepnev the military partner to provide health and support for lgbt military members. she was in arlington. and another arlington resident, lisa richards, who used twitter to fight back against a tax increase on the middle class. also on that guest list, a survivor of the sandy hook shooting. a small business owner and a student benefiting from the dream act. they showed a few clues -- clues on the talking points tonight. chris wallace joins us now. chris, thanks for joining us. >> good to be with you, shawn. >> based on the guess guest list, we expect president obama to talk about gun control, immigration reform and the economy. what else do you suspect he will tackle tonight? >> he's going to talk about the sequestration, the automatic
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cuts. $85billion that kick in at march 1st, unless the republicans in the house and the president and the democrats and the senate can come together on a plan to avoid southwest rage. i think another -- sequestration. i think another agenda item he'll tack about is climate change. when he was tacking in the campaign about jobs and building the economy for the middle class rather than the top down. i think you will hear a lot of that tonight. >> and let me ask you, we know the president won the white house. he has to convince a republican house to support his ideas. what do does he need to say to congress tonight to get him to move? >> well, i think it's going to be a mix of -- for instance, immigration reform. you have republicans and democrats in both the house and senate that seem to be coming together about some kind of way to put the 11 million illegals who are in this country now on
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a path to citizens should. certainly on a path to comesome kind of provisional legal status, and the very fact, as you mentioned, that the first lady is going to have an illegal, a young illegal man who is not being deported because of the dream act light, if you will, that the president instituted last year. where they have cut back on the deportation of people who are brought here as children, who are either in school or the military. that gives you an indication of an area where i think he thinks there is progress. on the other hand, i expect him on the budget cuts. and as ronald reagan used to say, you can't make him see the light but the heat. >> and quickly, let me ask him about the gop response. >> first of all, i know a lot of people, both in the republican party and democratic
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party. they were surprised that rubio is not conservative enough for the tea party. he was a darling and the idea that the tea party has to have a response to the right of marco rubio is a surprise to a lot of people here. the choice said that the republican party realized that after the 2012 elect, they need to rebrand. they need to look younger, they need to look less white, if you will, to be more sensitive to hispanics and minorities. and to women, and i think they feel that marco -- marco rubio does that and they understand that after obama beat romney, 70% to 27% among hispanics and the exit polls in the 2012 elect, they have so reach out to the fastest growing demographic group in the country and that is hispanics. >> all right, chris wallace, thank you very much for joining us this evening. >> you bet. and still ahead on your tuesday edition of the 5, how new technology is giving cell phone users a front seat at the
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westminster dog show. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ woman ] looks like another glorious week in florida. ♪ that...was...awesome.
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♪ [ female announcer ] how do you make your family vacation this epic? go to
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin.
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[ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you can't get more italian. it's on. let's roll. abraham lincoln, our 16th president, was born 204 years ago today. two events were held to commemorate his birthday. a wreath-laying ceremony at ford's theatre where he was assassinated in 1865. and people gathered at the lincoln memorial for a dedication ceremony. president lincoln is best known for signing the e manslaughter paying proclamation and passing the 13th -- emancipation proclamation and passing the 13th amendment on slavery. a ren digdition of the star- spanning -- rendition of the star-spangled banner. the other three wax figures are in new york, hollywood, and las vegas. she died a year ago at the age
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of 38. the death was ruled an accidental drowning with cocaine use and heart disease as contributing factors. >> it's amazing how real they week look. >> i know. >> stunning. >> and just like the people. coming up in this week's edition of laura's like, we going put the spotlight on several apps to help you take the next trip. >> and the soggy start to fat tuesday in new orleans. what affect the weather is having on crowds in the big easy tonight. >> and get rad for big changes in the forecast, gary is coming up with that. stay with us. 
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almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one
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80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. tuesday's a fun day around here because fox 5 consumer reporter laura evans shares her likes with us. this week, we're coming upon presidents' day weekend, which, among other things, just happens to kick off the cold old college campus tours for high school students. >> who knew. >> yeah. >> and the three-day weekend, it's good to get away. if you want to skip down, if
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you're doing that. i have a couple of great apps for you to tell you about and monday is presidents' day, as we'll mention and it happens to be a popular day for college juniors issue starting to check out schools or seniors making decisions. it can be stressful and emotional, let alone confusing. so, i have an app that i like that we'll streamline the process for you. it's called quad 2 quad. you download it on the smartphone, it gives you everything you need to plan your college tour. if you have done the trip, you know it did can be a logistical nightmare. you don't have to search each school's website for information. this app provides maps, parking information, tour, and employment times. distances between schools to visit and hotspots to get a better feel for the school in the community. it provides alerts so you don't make misletting you know, for instance, the tour office is closed on a given day and it suggests itineraries, which you can customize based
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on the schools you want to visit. quad-to-quad was created by susan jones, a chevy chase mom talking with the friend about a hassle of college visits. she said the point is to save you time, money, and frustration. 74 of the most selective schools are on the app and a couple of months, there will be 100 more. it's free for the first five schools, $4.99 total for all additional school information. again, for more information. next up, have you noticed when you fly, the squeeze is on. we seem to be losing leg room, right? and how frustrating is it that you have to bend down when you grab your stuff from under the street seat in front of you? there is a brand-new product on the market to make things easier. it's genius packs high altitude flight bag. the company just hanked last month and it attaches to the seat back in front of you. you undo the velcro and snap it around the tray table when it's in the upright position. it carries your magazine,
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tablet, phone, charger other and items. easy access to everything you need right there. you don't have to bend down. retails for $78. it's offering for viewers. information is available on the website. and if you are planning a quick escape this weekend, or looking ahead perhaps, the spring break is six weeks away and i have a great app that will stream line your planning process. the trip to maddock is so simple to use, ur en-- you inter your destination, how long you will be there and your app will offer ideas of what to see, stay, and things to do and get around up to. it maps it for you. can you save the information, present out your itinerary and share it with friends on facebook and twitter. the app features 30,000 attracts and $300 destinations across the globe, going for a day or week, a great day for travelers to get the most out of the trip. it's free to download and there are upgrades available for a small fee like you can get a city guide for paris for $1.99.
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>> and these are awesome? >> yeah. >> and this high altitude flight bag not only is it obviously a great idea, but it's that gift that you get spin who -- someone who has everything. >> exactly. >> i haven't seen it before. >> i haven't either. >> and i'm tired of benning over. >> i love it. >> right. >> and my junior mints can be in front of me. thank you, laura and over to shawn and gary. >> thanks, guys. i liken the travel app. >> we learn something new every week. >> getting money for spring break. >> yeah, i'm ready. >> and it felt like spring today, gary. >> 59 for a high today. no, it's not. >> and listen, one of these days rolls around in february every now and then. the sun is higher in the skies and we can do a better job when we see it warming things up and here we go, 53 and holding and looks like a gorgeous evening. if you're out and about, jacket
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required, sweater required and not the heavy stuff, all right? 56 and holding for dulles. 59 and the high today for dulles. listen, not a lot of cold air to the north and that is real critical for tomorrow and especially for tomorrow evening. because it doesn't look like we're going to have a lot of cold air coming here and change this rain to snow for everybody. at this point, it doesn't look like tomorrow evening the though is going to be a huge issue and we'll get to that coming up. and you will see how temperatures drop off into the mid-40s and that is bonus territory for february in the evening. our typical high is in the 40s and when you're talking about 40s at 9 or 10, it's real, real good and we stayed sunny today and begin to see the clouds on the doorstep. look at the rain to the south. most of this is staying to the south of us and some will creep
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in tomorrow and around afternoon. and into oklahoma, we're going to have to watch this, too and it does look like tomorrow afternoon it's tomorrow evening. we're going to begin the changeover to snow. and this is tomorrow at 5:00. rain has spread up into the metro so it looks like tomorrow evening's commute will be wet, not white. but after 5:00, you already begin to see some of the snow along i-81 and watch it kind of move on across and again, d.c. is right on the line. south of d.c., mainly rain and right at d.c., a changeover here and probably some rain and some snow. northern counties, northern and western counties looks like that is going to be the best chance of getting something accumulate and still not a big concern today, and back in the 40s tomorrow. even though i think we're going
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see some snow tomorrow evening into tomorrow night, it looks like most of the accumulation, where we get, some will be mainly a little bit of a dusting, wet dusting of snow on the grassy areas for d.c. and shouldn't be anymore than that. and farther up to the north around the mason-dixon line into southern pennsylvania, that is where there might be wet one or two inches and there is a chance it gets stronger in the evening to watch the snow totals to the north and east. tonight, snow noso -- snow or rain and cloudy, 39 and cooler in the suburbs, west and south by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. a few light rain showers at noon and by noon, we'll start the membersing process or rain over to snow, the accuweather seven-day forecast, and there is a late flake in friday night, right now just about all the guidance is suggesting that this weekend's storm we were
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talking about yesterday, is going to stay well to the south of us and be a non-event. we're still going to coop a close -- it. hopefully we won't have to throw it for the weekend. >> and unless you're a snow lover. the digout from the massive snowstorm that hammered the northeast continues. the roads are block around connecticut. several school districts closed for another day and the mayor recruited local teenagers and adults to shovel around city schools and dozens of people showed up outside city hall to volunteer their services. the national hurricane center now said superstorm sand i was the second most expensive storm in american history. the storm that hit late october caused an estimated $50 billion in damage. sand was also the goodliest hurricane to hit the northeast
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in 30 years. and the westminster dog show released's new way to keep on top of your favorite dogs. it's an app and you can use it as a guide to see how the dogs jar judged and the breed and a schedule of the show. the app is free. search for westminister dog show 13 on itunes. it started yesterday and starts today. >> great for dog lovers. >> yeah. and next on the news edge at 6. >> staying on top of the breaking news, the search for an armed ex-cop in california and the intense manhunt for the former los angeles police officer accused of going on the killing spree. the latest details and looks like he might be pinned down in a cab know as we speak. and president obama lays out a wish list for his second term. makes a huge announcement on a troop draw don. >> and one of the old of the sports is removed from the 20/20 program. and what it means. o
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it's a soggy fat tuesday on bourbon street in new orleans. take a look at this. and the last day of carnivale and mardi gras attracted big crowds this morning. it's scheduled to rain on the parades. an estimated 1 million people are expected to celebrate before ash wednesday. >> a five-day caribbean cruise turned into a nightmare for a lot of people. more than 4,000 folks are stranded in the gulf of mexico after a fire in the ship's engine room. no one was hurt and now the carney value cruise -- carnivale cruise ship is stuck. the passengers say the current conditions on the ship are far from ideal. >> and was crying and stuff and said they have no power, they have no running water. they have though way to use the
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bathroom. >> the cruise liners are bring is the stranded vess will food and other supplies and the ship is being towed to alabama and is expected to be there byinate night mare -- monday. >> i hear it smells horrible on board. >> thank you for joining us on the news edge five. >> the mews at 6 starts now -- the news edge at 6 stats now. the news edge staying on top of braying news out of california. a person believed to be the former police officer christopher dorner barricaded himself in a mountain in the san bernadino mountains. >> reporter: the officer wants to remain anonymous because where's not authorized to speak publicly. this is what we know: police believe that christopher dorner burglarized a cabin in big bear lake and that is where he tied up a couple inside the cab. this is in the same arwh


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